

For a new blog or website it is quite tough task to get indexed by search engine, if you don't put anything from your side. Search engines including Google follow some intelligent algorithmswhich automatically crawl and index pages on Web. High authority websites like techcrunch and other popular news sites get indexed every single minute, because they continuously provide such high quality content, but for new websites these algorithm can't figure out your website because these crawlers find new pages by looking links from one site to another. 

As new blog doesn't have any links from already indexed sites, hence they can't reach to your website. But you can easily let them know about your site just by following simple steps which I am going to discussed in this post.

Here are some ways you can follow to quickly make your blog indexed by Google:

1. Manually submit to search engine:

When your blog or site completes and you have launched it, then you can easily let search engine know that you have a new website. All major search engines have their own tool for new website where you can tell them to index your website. You can manually submit URL here for all major search engines.

2. Webmaster tools:


Webmaster tool is best solution for all the webmasters (you) out there, provided by the entire search engine. For example if we talk about Google Webmaster tool, you can submit sitemap to Google Webmaster tool easily and let them index you content very quickly. Apart from this, you can check how your site is doing on search results, checks for any issues, finding keywords and imprison and many more. If you are new to blogging then this is first step to sign up and add your site to free Webmaster tool after launching your blog, otherwise you are legging very behind.
Here are all the major search engines Webmaster tools:

3. Submit to social sites:

As social media is at peak in preachy time, search engines are also paying more attention to your followers and check how social your site is. So make sure to submit your newly launched blog post to your friend on Facebook, Twitter and Google plus. This would help you to get your content quickly indexed by search engine. You can also use some popular directory to submit your content and use forums and other social places as well.

4. Check your robot.txt

Robot.txt file of your site tells different search engine, which part of your site to index and which to not. So make sure to check your robot.txt file is not blocking spiders to crawl and index your content otherwise all the above steps might not help you. Check Your Robots.txt file which should
Be at to know
Whether it’s blocking your pages from indexing by Search engines.

5. Use proper linking:

After your site get crawled and indexed, then it I not necessarily that you site would be indexed very fast after that. Posting frequency and consistency plays an important role to increase your indexing speed. Also quality of the content also plays important role in indexing content.

As I said earlier spiders follows all the links while they are indexing a current page. Hence deep and relevant indexing of the pages with in your site or blog not only increase your page indexing speed but also helps to your readers and give them more to read.

6. Ping tool:

You can try ping tools to tell search engine to index your content quickly there are many ping tool online in which top most are as fallow:


Don't use ping tool in excess otherwise it may affect your blog or site in negative manners. If you are on WordPress you can easily update your ping list in setting of your WordPress account.

As I said earlier, more faster your content get indexed by search engine more better your ranking become. Although  these methods are for indexing newly launched site but if your blog is not indexed by search engine quickly then you can also try above tips.

Finally the last word I would say is that don't try any blackhat tactics and only focus on creating better, original, and high quality content, Google and other search engine would surely love your content and index them quickly.

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